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Strict service-service interactions are very rare, for reasons adidas black shoes that are far from clear.[4] One example is the relationship between sea anemones and anemonefish in the family Pomacentridae: the buy adidas shoes anemones provide the fish with protection from predators (which cannot tolerate the stings of the anemone's tentacles) and the fish defend the anemones against butterflyfish (family shoes adidas Chaetodontidae) which eat anemones. However, in common with many mutualisms, there is more than one aspect to the biological barter: in the anemonefish-anemone mutualism, waste shoe adidas ammonia from the fish feed the symbiotic algae that are found in the anemone's tentacles.[6][7] Therefore what appears to be a service-service mutualism in fact has a service-resource component. A second example is that of the relationship between some ants in the genus Pseudomyrmex and trees in the genus Acacia, such as the Whistling Thorn and Bullhorn Acacia. The ants nest inside the plant's white adidas shoes thorns. In exchange for shelter, the ants protect acacias from attack by herbivores (which they frequently eat, introducing a resource component to adidas shoe this service-service relationship) and competition from other plants by trimming back vegetation that would shade the acacia. In addition, another service-resource component is present, as the ants regularly feed on lipid-rich food-bodies called Beltian bodies that are on the Acacia plant.

In the Neotropics, the ant, addidas shoes Myrmelachista schumanni makes its nest in special cavities on the Duroia hirsute tree. The ant protects the tree with such vehemence that any saplings in the vicinity belonging to other species are killed with formic acid. This selective gardening can be so aggressive that small areas of the rainforest are dominated by Duroia hirsute. These buy addidas shoes peculiar patches are known by local people as "devil's gardens".[8]

In some of these relationships, the cost of the ant’s protection can be quite expensive. white addidas shoes Cordia sp. trees in the Amazonian rainforest have a kind of partnership with Allomerus sp. ants, which make their nests in modified leaves. To increase the amount of living space available, the ants will destroy the tree’s flower buds. The flowers die and leaves develop instead, provisioning the ants with more dwellings. Another type of Allomerus sp. ant lives addidas shoe with the Hirtella sp. tree in the same forests, but in this relationship the tree has turned the tables on the greedy ants. When the tree is ready to produce flowers, the ant abodes on certain branches begin to wither and shrink, forcing the occupants to flee, leaving the tree’s flowers to develop free from ant attack.[8]

[edit] Humans andmen adidas shoes mutualism
Dogs and sheep were among the first animals to be domesticated.

Humans also engage in mutualisms with other species, including our adidas dunk gut flora (without which we would not be able to digest food efficiently) and domesticated animals such as horses, which provide transportation in return for food and shelter. In traditional agriculture, many plants will function mutualistically as companion plants, providing each other with shelter, soil fertility and the repelling of pests. adida shoes For example, beans may grow up cornstalks as a trellis, while fixing nitrogen in the soil for the corn, as exploited in the Three Sisters gardening technique. The question how and why species might adidas sneaker cooperate has been addressed philosophically by a number of people. Gilles Deleuze, for example, was interested in the way this questioned the conception of evolutionism and the notion of linear historical progress.

