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Berlin! Berlin! Wir fahren nach Berlin!." ("Berlin! basketball shoes sale Berlin! We're going to Berlin!")
( A Chant during the World Cup in 2006. Also usually chanted by supporters of the DFB-Pokal-finalists before the final in Berlin.

"Berlin ist arm, aber sexy." ("Berlin is poor, buy shoes online but sexy.")
(Klaus Wowereit, Governing Mayor, in a television interview, 2004)

“Berlin combines blue adidas shoes the culture of New York, the traffic system of Tokyo, the nature of Seattle, and the historical treasures of, well, Berlin.”
(Hiroshi Motomura, US Law professor, 2004)

"Paris is always Paris and Berlin is never addidas shoes Berlin!"
(Jack Lang, French former culture minister, talking about how fast Berlin is changing, 2001)

"Mr. Gorbachev,men's adidas shoes tear down this wall!"
(Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, speech at the Brandenburg Gate, 1987)

"Ich bin ein Berliner."("I am a citizen of Berlin")
(John F. Kennedy, President of the USA, 1963 while men's addidas shoes visiting Berlin)

"Niemand hat die women's adidas Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" ("Nobody intends to put up a wall!")
(Walter Ulbricht, Leader of the GDR, June 15th 1961 - 2 months before the Berlin Wall was built)

"Ihr V?lker der Welt ... schaut auf diese Stadt!" ("Peoples of the world ... women adidas shoes look at this city!")
(Ernst Reuter, Governing Mayor, during the Berlin blockade, 1948)[1]

"Ich hab noch einen Koffer adidas sneaker in Berlin" ("I still keep a suitcase in Berlin")
(Song by Marlene Dietrich in 1957, actress and singer born 1901 in Berlin-Sch?neberg)

"“Berlin ist eine Stadt, verdammt dazu, ewig zu werden, niemals zu adida shoes sein” ("Berlin is a city condemned forever to becoming and never to being.")
(Karl Scheffler, author of Berlin: Ein Stadtschicksal, 1910 )

"Berlin is the newest city adidas dunk I have come across. Even Chicago would appear old and gray in comparison."
(Mark Twain, US Writer, Chicago Daily Tribune, 1892)

"What could have possessed people to found a city in the middle men adidas shoes of all this sand?"
(Stendhal (1783 – 1842), addidas shoe French writer who traveled extensively in Germany and elsewhere)

"Berlin ist mehr ein Weltteil als eine Stadt" white addidas shoes ("Berlin is rather a part of the world than a city")
(Jean Paul, writer, 1800)[2]

