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1984年,NBA选秀大会开始之前,开拓者和火箭队要靠硬币决定当年的1号选秀权。开拓者的选秀权来自1981年与步行者的交易,当时开拓者送走了Tom Owens,得到了他们的首轮选秀权。而那时的火箭队有着西部的最差战绩,29-53 。

开拓者先选择,他们选则了硬币的背面,但执硬币的结果却是正面。这样火箭队用这个头号选秀权得到了休斯顿大学的哈基姆-奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon)。开拓者用第二选秀权很有争议的选择了肯塔基大学的山姆-博伊(Sam Bowie)。而那年,拥有三号选秀权的公牛队选择了迈克尔-乔丹(Michael Jordan)。

从左至右:Sam Bowie,年轻版David Stern,Hakeem Olajuwon


有巨大影响力的交易发生在1995年。开拓者的全明星后卫,克莱德-德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler),不满意当时球队用卡莱西莫(P.J. Carlesimo)替换了主教练阿德尔曼(Adelman),要求总经理Bob Whitsitt 将自己交易出去。

最后,情人节那天,Bob Whitsitt 将德雷克斯勒和前锋Tracy Murray 一起交易到了火箭队,换取Otis Thorpe,Marcel Nicole和一个首轮选秀权(这个选秀权后来被交易到了活塞)。德雷克斯勒带给了当时正处于挣扎状态的火箭队一个卫冕冠军。



Bob Whitsitt 无休止的交易给他带来了Trader Bob的名号。1999年10月2日,一个爆炸性的交易又发生了。

开拓者那年在西部决赛中被马刺队横扫。所以为了寻找一个稳定的老兵,开拓者从火箭手中得到了前公牛队冠军成员斯科蒂-皮蓬(Scottie Pippen),并换给了火箭六名球员——Stacy Augmon, Kelvin Cato, Ed Gray, Carlos Rogers, Brian Shaw和Walt Williams。



火箭队历史上最伟大的两名球员都是中锋——奥拉朱旺和摩西-马龙(Moses Malone)。开拓者与马龙最终落户火箭也有着关联。

开拓者在1976年从后来并入NBA的ABA联盟选到了马龙。但因为当时有Bill Walton在阵容中,开拓者于10月18日将马龙换到了布法罗勇敢者队,换来了1978年的首轮选秀权。一周后,布法罗将马龙交易到了火箭队,得到了 1977和1978两个首轮选秀权。






两队之间最臭名昭著的事件发生于1995年2月6号。火箭后卫麦克斯韦尔(Vernon Maxwell)冲上了开拓者队的底线看台,冲过了12排座位给了一个球迷一拳。




把开拓者队这些年搞的很烂的那个高层也与火箭有着根深蒂固的联系。Steve Patterson是开拓者2003-2007年的主席,其中一年他还做了总经理。

他的重大突破来自1989年,当时31岁的他成为NBA最年轻的总经理,直到他1993年被解雇。Patterson正是 继承了他父亲Ray未尽的心愿,Ray在这之前当了火箭队17年的总经理。在1984年那枚硬币将选秀权给了休斯顿时,Patterson正和他父亲在大 卫-斯特恩的办公室里。
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动 态评价下降了,严重影响我今后的生意,这可是件大事啊!还好两个买家都给了好评.,不然,后果更严重!说到这里,我有必要的强调新人开店,态度要热情,服 务要周到,要与买家沟通好.(如果是新买手家应该要做更好,毕竟别人什么都不太会.做好了,今后就成朋友,朋友做成了,好处肯定是有的!那些信誉高的买 家,做成了,也就可以了,你再找他谈,谈得一两次就不会谈了,因为他们太忙.这个是必然..提醒下:今后成高信用度店铺应该怎么做,大家知道了吧?)




2.交谈过程中,特别是针对新手的提问尽量全回答,对于自己不知道的,可以使用以下句子应付下:“真抱歉,这方面我不太有把握。等我弄清楚了,及时告诉你好 吗?”“呵呵!真抱歉,这个问题我也不太清楚。”服务好,会给对方一个好的印象,服务不周,评价的时候,评服务态度的时候……




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回想Air Pippen 1的问世,其实挺出人意料的。

1996-97赛季,已经是皮蓬征战的第9个NBA赛季,“蝙蝠侠”已经是不折不扣的老将。乔丹归来后,他又安安稳稳坐回了公牛二当家的位子,而不 再是聚光灯的焦点。一个“飞人”的帮手,想再现像1994年全明星赛MVP那样的个人荣耀,似乎已经不再可能。这样一个人,还会有签名鞋呢?

有的。空前而且可能绝后的天时地利让皮蓬有了出人头地的机会。前一个赛季,公牛常规赛拿到了逆天的72胜,季后赛又兵不血刃,轻轻松松捧走了奥布莱 恩杯,总决赛期间甚至有人怀疑输给超音速的两场是芝加哥人放水,好回到主场夺冠。这样一支王者之师,几乎每个人都成了名垂千古的英雄,即使是“老二”,也 是一人之下万人之上,“NBA第二号球星”的名头,就这样落在了皮蓬身上。从这个角度看,nike力捧这样一位球员又有什么奇怪的呢?


只是,夕阳红老来俏毕竟不常见,即使是皮蓬自己一时都不太相信这件事。当有记者问到这件事的时候,这个已经见惯了大风大浪的巨星居然有些语无伦次。 当然另一个激动的理由是:可能“蝙蝠侠”自己都没想到,nike会为他设计一款如此高端的签名鞋,甚至压过了他身边的那位23号。


而让Air Pippen 1名声大噪的不光是他高贵的身价,还有那多变的容貌。正是在它身上,人们第一次直观发现:球员穿的鞋子与市售版本的确是不一样的。此前皮蓬先后穿过 More Uptempo、Max Uptempo III等使用了全长Max Air技术的鞋子,所以Air Pippen 1也选择了同样的减震配置。但这一次,公牛33号却不愿意再妥协了,他无法忍受自己的签名鞋却依然不遂已愿:性格细腻的皮蓬其实对球鞋同样挑剔,他其实是 不愿意穿厚重的“大垫鞋”的。据称,Foamposite One一开始选择的代言人是“蝙蝠侠”而非“便士”,而最终未能成行就是因为前者嫌这款鞋子太沉!如今Air Pippen 1又重蹈覆辙,皮蓬能不造反么?

于是,球迷发现皮蓬脚上的Air Pippen 1和自己买到的不一样:Max Air变成了更薄的Zoom Air。更没想到的是,这一别就是好几年。Air Pippen 2、Air Pippen 3都放弃了Max Air;Air Pippen 4虽然后掌配备了Max Air,可球员版却改成了Vis-Zoom Air;Air Pippen 5采用的是“鞋中鞋”设计,皮蓬穿的鞋子里面究竟用了什么谁也不知道……

作为开山鼻祖,Air Pippen 1在皮蓬的签名鞋系列里显得很特别。虽然做工和设计无可挑剔,但不论是外观还是技术,都与后面几代的风格相去甚远,更像是一个试验品。就连鞋舌上的个人logo,都成了绝唱。

不过,Air Pippen 1已作为历史的一部分永远定格。这是1997年总决赛第五场,乔丹客场带病拿下38分,助公牛3比2领先爵士。比赛就结束后,无比虚弱的乔丹倒在了皮蓬的 怀里,同时,一位敬业的电视记者走上前进行拍摄——看到了吗?皮蓬和记者穿的都是Air Pippen 1,一个是Zoom Air的球员版,一个是Max Air的普通版。


眼下,皮蓬早已经淡出人们的视线。他的签名鞋更不再是人们关注的焦点。复刻的Air Pippen 2,More Uptempo等鞋款,也大多反响寥寥。就连“蝙蝠侠”这个绰号,也落在了火箭的巴蒂尔身上——因为他曾经穿着蝙蝠侠的服装拍过照片。

当《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》掀起全球热潮时,另一个“蝙蝠侠”Air Pippen 1也回来了。而且依然是带着Max Air的版本,这也出乎不少人的意外:为什么不将当年的球员版复刻呢?Zoom Air、轻量化不更加符合现在的审美方式吗?

的确,眼下已不是以大为美的时代,甚至此前每年一双“大垫鞋”作为保留节目的举动也销声匿迹。小斯塔德迈尔的S.T.A.T系列倒依然使用全长 Max Air,但已经没有了当年那股“气吞山河”的霸道。人们一边将“经典”的称号授予那些拥有大气垫的鞋子,一边却在购物清单上划去它们的名字。事已至 此,Air Pippen 1为什么还要逆流而上?

也许,这种感觉就像整容一样。“人造面孔”固然美丽,但却失去了曾经的纯真。就像当初面对日益流线化的Air Pippen系列时,必然有很多人会怀念那个用33演化出的鞋面、那个复杂的三角形logo以及水波涟漪状的外底。如今,同样是这个道理。去掉Max Air的Air Pippen 1可以让皮蓬更加舒适,但却无意中抛弃了一段历史:技术全面能里能外的“蝙蝠侠”,其实他脚下的鞋子也那么多姿多彩。



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Strict service-service interactions are very rare, for reasons adidas black shoes that are far from clear.[4] One example is the relationship between sea anemones and anemonefish in the family Pomacentridae: the buy adidas shoes anemones provide the fish with protection from predators (which cannot tolerate the stings of the anemone's tentacles) and the fish defend the anemones against butterflyfish (family shoes adidas Chaetodontidae) which eat anemones. However, in common with many mutualisms, there is more than one aspect to the biological barter: in the anemonefish-anemone mutualism, waste shoe adidas ammonia from the fish feed the symbiotic algae that are found in the anemone's tentacles.[6][7] Therefore what appears to be a service-service mutualism in fact has a service-resource component. A second example is that of the relationship between some ants in the genus Pseudomyrmex and trees in the genus Acacia, such as the Whistling Thorn and Bullhorn Acacia. The ants nest inside the plant's white adidas shoes thorns. In exchange for shelter, the ants protect acacias from attack by herbivores (which they frequently eat, introducing a resource component to adidas shoe this service-service relationship) and competition from other plants by trimming back vegetation that would shade the acacia. In addition, another service-resource component is present, as the ants regularly feed on lipid-rich food-bodies called Beltian bodies that are on the Acacia plant.

In the Neotropics, the ant, addidas shoes Myrmelachista schumanni makes its nest in special cavities on the Duroia hirsute tree. The ant protects the tree with such vehemence that any saplings in the vicinity belonging to other species are killed with formic acid. This selective gardening can be so aggressive that small areas of the rainforest are dominated by Duroia hirsute. These buy addidas shoes peculiar patches are known by local people as "devil's gardens".[8]

In some of these relationships, the cost of the ant’s protection can be quite expensive. white addidas shoes Cordia sp. trees in the Amazonian rainforest have a kind of partnership with Allomerus sp. ants, which make their nests in modified leaves. To increase the amount of living space available, the ants will destroy the tree’s flower buds. The flowers die and leaves develop instead, provisioning the ants with more dwellings. Another type of Allomerus sp. ant lives addidas shoe with the Hirtella sp. tree in the same forests, but in this relationship the tree has turned the tables on the greedy ants. When the tree is ready to produce flowers, the ant abodes on certain branches begin to wither and shrink, forcing the occupants to flee, leaving the tree’s flowers to develop free from ant attack.[8]

[edit] Humans andmen adidas shoes mutualism
Dogs and sheep were among the first animals to be domesticated.

Humans also engage in mutualisms with other species, including our adidas dunk gut flora (without which we would not be able to digest food efficiently) and domesticated animals such as horses, which provide transportation in return for food and shelter. In traditional agriculture, many plants will function mutualistically as companion plants, providing each other with shelter, soil fertility and the repelling of pests. adida shoes For example, beans may grow up cornstalks as a trellis, while fixing nitrogen in the soil for the corn, as exploited in the Three Sisters gardening technique. The question how and why species might adidas sneaker cooperate has been addressed philosophically by a number of people. Gilles Deleuze, for example, was interested in the way this questioned the conception of evolutionism and the notion of linear historical progress.


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The term markup is derived from the traditional publishing practice of "marking up"' a manuscript, which involves using a markup language consisting adidas dunk of conventional symbolic printer's instructions in the margins and text of a paper manuscript. For centuries, this task was done primarily by skilled typographers known as "markup men"[1] buy adidas shoes who marked up text to indicate what typeface, style, and size should be applied to each part, and then passed the manuscript to others for typesetting by hand. Markup was also commonly applied by editors, proofreaders, publishers, and graphic designers.

[edit] GenCode

The idea of using markup languages in computer text adidas plaid shoes processing was probably first publicly presented by publishing executive William W. Tunnicliffe at a conference in 1967, although he preferred to call it "generic coding." In the 1970s, Tunnicliffe led the development of a standard called GenCode for the publishing industry and later was the first chair of the International Organization for Standardization committee that created SGML, the first standard y3 shoes descriptive markup language. Book designer Stanley Rice published speculation along similar lines in the late 1960s. Brian Reid, in his 1980 dissertation at Carnegie Mellon University, developed the theory and a working implementation of descriptive markup in actual use.

However, IBM researcher Charles Goldfarb is more commonly seen today as addidas shoe the "father" of markup languages. Goldfarb hit upon the basic idea while working on a primitive document management system intended for law firms in 1969, and helped invent IBM GML later that same year. GML was first publicly disclosed in 1973.

In 1975, Goldfarb moved from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Silicon Valley and became a product planner at the IBM Almaden Research Center. There, he convinced IBM's executives to addias shoes deploy GML commercially in 1978 as part of IBM's Document Composition Facility product, and it was widely used in business with a few years.

Development informally began in a3 shoes 1978[citation needed] on what ultimately became the SGML standard, which was based on both GML and GenCode; Goldfarb eventually became chair of the SGML committee. SGML was first and released by ISO as the ISO 8879 standard in October 1986.

Some early examples of computer markup languages basketball shoes sale available outside the publishing industry can be found in typesetting tools on Unix systems such as troff and nroff. In these systems, formatting commands were inserted into the document text so that typesetting software could format the text according to the editor's specifications. It was a trial and error iterative process to get a document printed correctly.[citation needed] Availability mens basketball shoes of WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") publishing software supplanted much use of these languages among casual users, though serious publishing work still uses markup to specify the non-visual structure of texts, and WYSIWYG editors now usually save documents in a markup-language-based format.

[edit] TeX

Another major publishing standard is TeX, created and continuously refined by Donald Knuth in the 1970s new basketball shoes and 80s. TeX concentrated on detailed layout of text and font descriptions in order to typeset mathematical books in professional quality. This required Knuth to spend considerable time investigating the art of typesetting. However, TeX has a steep learning curve, so that it is mainly used in academia, where it is the de facto standard in many scientific disciplines. A TeX macro package known as LaTeX provides a descriptive markup system on top of TeX, and is widely used.

[edit] Scribe, GML and SGML
Main articles: IBM Generalized Markup Language online basketball shoes and Standard Generalized Markup Language

The first language to make a clear and clean distinction between structure and presentation was Scribe, developed by Brian Reid and described in his doctoral thesis in 1980.[2] Scribe was revolutionary in a adidas cycling shoes number of ways, not least that it introduced the idea of styles separated from the marked up document, and of a grammar controlling the usage of descriptive elements. Scribe influenced the development of Generalized Markup Language (later SGML) and is a direct ancestor to HTML and LaTeX.

In the early 1980s, the idea that markup should be focused on the structural aspects of a document and leave the visual presentation of that structure to the interpreter led to the creation of SGML. The language was developed by a committee chaired by Goldfarb. It incorporated ideas from many different sources, including Tunnicliffe's project, adida shoes GenCode. Sharon Adler, Anders Berglund, and James A. Marke were also key members of the SGML committee.

SGML specified a syntax for including the markup in documents, as well as one for separately describing what tags were allowed, and where (the Document Type Definition (DTD) or schema). This allowed authors adiddas shoes to create and use any markup they wished, selecting tags that made the most sense to them and were named in their own natural languages. Thus, SGML is properly a meta-language, and many particular markup languages are derived from it. From the late 80s on, most substantial new markup languages have been based on SGML system, including for example TEI and DocBook. SGML was promulgated as an International Standard by International Organization for Standardization, ISO 8879, in 1986.

SGML found wide acceptance and use in fields with very large-scale adida golf shoes documentation requirements. However, it was generally found to be cumbersome and difficult to learn, a side effect of attempting to do too much and be too flexible. For example, SGML made end tags (or start-tags, or even both) optional in certain contexts, because it was thought that markup would be done manually by overworked support staff who adida shoe would appreciate saving keystrokes[citation needed].

[edit] HTML
Main article: HTML

By 1991, it appeared to many that SGML would be limited to commercial and data-based applications while WYSIWYG tools (which stored documents in proprietary binary formats) would suffice for other document processing applications.

The situation changed when Sir Tim Berners-Lee, learning of SGML from co-worker adida basketball shoes Anders Berglund and others at CERN, used SGML syntax to create HTML. HTML resembles other SGML-based tag languages, although it began as simpler than most and a formal DTD was not developed until later. Steven DeRose[3] argues that HTML's use of descriptive markup (and SGML in particular) was a major factor in the success of the Web, because of the flexibility and extensibility that it enabled (other factors include the notion of URLs and the free distribution of browsers). HTML is quite likely the most used markup language in the world today.

However, HTML's status as a markup language is disputed by some computer scientists.[citation needed] The argument for this is that HTML restricts the placement of tags, requiring them to buy shoes be either fully nested inside of other tags, or the root tag of the document. Because of this, these scientists would suggest instead that sneaker shoes HTML is a container language, following a Hierarchical model.

[edit] XML
Main article: XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a meta markup language that is now widely used. XML was developed by the adidas black shoes World Wide Web Consortium, in a committee created and chaired by Jon Bosak. The main purpose of XML was to simplify SGML by focusing on a particular problem — documents on the Internet.[4] XML remains a meta-language like SGML, allowing users to create any tags needed (hence "extensible") and then describing those tags and their permitted uses.

XML adoption was helped because every XML document can be buy adidas shoes written in such a way that it is also an SGML document, and existing SGML users and software could switch to XML fairly easily. However, XML eliminated many of the more complex and human-oriented features of SGML to simplify implementation (while increasing markup size and reducing readability and editability). Other improvements rectified some SGML problems in international shoes adidas settings, and made it possible to parse and interpret document hierarchy even if no DTD is available.

XML was designed primarily for semi-structured environments such as documents and publications. However, it appeared to strike a happy medium between simplicity and flexibility, and was rapidly adopted for many other uses. XML is now widely used for communicating data between applications. Like HTML, it can be described as a 'container' shoe adidas language.

[edit] XHTML
Main article: XHTML

Since January 2000 all W3C Recommendations for HTML have been based on XML rather than SGML, using the abbreviation XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language). The white adidas shoes language specification requires that XHTML Web documents must be well-formed XML documents – this allows for more rigorous and robust documents while using tags familiar from HTML.

One of the most noticeable differences between HTML and XHTML is the rule adidas shoe that all tags must be closed: empty HTML tags such as
must either be closed with a regular end-tag, or replaced by a special form:
(the space before the '/' on the end tag is optional, but frequently used because it enables some pre-XML Web browsers, and SGML parsers, to accept the tag). Another is that all attribute values in tags must be quoted. Finally, addidas shoes all tag and attribute names must be lowercase in order to be valid; HTML, on the other hand, was case-insensitive.

[edit] Other XML-based applications

Many XML-based applications now exist, including Resource Description Framework (RDF), XForms, DocBook, SOAP and the Web buy addidas shoes Ontology Language (OWL). For a partial list of these see List of XML markup languages.

[edit] Features

A common feature of many markup languages is that they intermix the blue adidas shoes text of a document with markup instructions in the same data stream or file. This is not necessary; it is possible to isolate markup from text content, using pointers, offsets, IDs, or other methods to co-ordinate the two. Such "standoff markup" is typical for the internal representations programs use to work with marked-up documents. However, embedded or "inline" markup is much addidas shoes more common elsewhere. Here, for example, is a small section of text marked up in HTML:


The family Anatidae includes ducks, geese, and swans,
but not the men's adidas shoes closely-related screamers.

The codes enclosed in angle-brackets are markup instructions (known as tags), while the text between these instructions is the men's addidas shoes actual text of the document. The codes h1, p, and em are examples of structural markup, in that they describe the intended purpose or meaning of the text they include. Specifically, h1 means "this is a first-level heading", p means "this is a paragraph", and em means "this is an emphasized word or phrase". A program interpreting such structural markup may apply its own rules or styles for presenting the various pieces of text, using diffent women's adidas typefaces, boldness, font size, indention, colour, or other styles, as desired. A tag such as "h1" (header level 1) might be presented in a large bold sans-serif typeface, for example, or in a monospaced (typewriter-style) document it might be underscored – or it might not change the presentation at all.

In contrast, the i tag in HTML is an example of presentational markup; it is generally used to specify a particular characteristic of the text (in women adidas shoes this case, the use of an italic typeface) without specifying the reason for that appearance.

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) has published extensive guidelines for how to encode texts of interest in the humanities and social sciences, developed through years of international cooperative work. These guidelines are used by projects encoding historical documents, the works of particular scholars, periods, adidas sneaker or genres, and so on.